Additional Perspectives

Jan 16, 2024

By, Nora Taher Barhoum & my AI assistant

Continuing on the path of exploring Allah's names, the objective remains to deepen our bond with the Almighty and also cultivate a sense of lighthearted contentment. 

I want to express the significance of using the resources we have to understand Allah (SWT). It is a journey of deep respect and reverence, seeking to comprehend His attributes and their impact on our lives. Just as we strive to know and understand one another's characteristics in our human relationships, we can apply the same principle to our relationship with Allah (SWT). This sincere reflection deepens our understanding of Allah's monotheism and strengthens our integrity in order to maintain good character.

Understanding the Power of Reflection:

Reflecting on Allah's names during prayer is not a mere recitation of words, but a deliberate act of contemplation that allows individuals to delve deeper into the essence of their situations. One of the fundamental aspects of devotion to Allah is the virtue of patience, sabr. This patience is not merely about waiting in line or enduring the passage of time, rather it encompasses a deep reverence for the natural process of acquiring understanding. As human beings, our innate intuition relies on both rationality and logic, that which leads us to seek explanations that align with our perception of reality.

The Quran's Emphasis on Reflection:

The Quran, as the ultimate source of guidance for Muslims, emphasizes the importance of reflection to prevent the verses from being perceived as mere tales or fiction. Allah encourages believers to approach the Quran with unwavering belief, recognizing it as His divine scripture. By incorporating the 99 names of Allah as a foundation of trust and reliance, we develop a profound connection with the Quran, deepening our understanding and strengthening our faith.  

The Journey towards Spiritual Enlightenment:

Reflecting on Allah's names during prayer is a practice that not only enhances our understanding of the world around us but also nurtures a deep sense of gratitude and humility. InshaAllah this reflection can serve as a guiding light in our pursuit of a meaningful and fulfilling spiritual journey.

Sheikh Bilal Assad's reflection draws parallels between the parables of Allah's names and the attachment theory formulated by psychologist John Bowlby. In Bowlby's Attachment Theory, he suggests that the emotional and social development of infants is significantly influenced by their relationship with their primary caregivers. 

This highlights the importance of nurturing healthy relationships, as Allah's attributes serve as the highest source of His guidance. Bowlby's theory emphasizes the significance of cultivating loving attachments, which parallels the bond we can establish with Allah through our prayers inshaAllah. 

Allah Al Musta'aan: Allah (SWT) is the one whose help is to be sought.