Notes: Surah Al-Fajr


Jun 28, 2024By Nora Mahmud Taher

Surah Al-Fajr opens by describing the natural cycles of life and the signs of Allah, emphasizing His power and the delicate balance in creation. It then briefly recounts the stories of those who opposed these signs, such as Pharaoh, serving as a caution against arrogance and disbelief.

The Surah's middle section delves into the struggles of those who strive to maintain their faith. It warns against the dangers of arrogance when blessed with abundance and the tendency to lose hope or harbor negative thoughts about faith during times of hardship. This part encourages us to keep our relationship with Allah strong, regardless of our circumstances.

Next, the Surah addresses the mistreatment of orphans and the neglect of feeding the poor. These verses highlight a broader societal issue: our failure to fight against greed and selfishness. Neglecting our social responsibilities undermines the peace and purification that Allah wants us to achieve. The Surah urges us to act with compassion and justice, caring for the vulnerable and upholding principles of fairness and generosity.

Surah Al-Fajr concludes with a comforting promise of Al Jannah (Paradise) for those who submit to Allah's will. This assurance provides comfort and motivation, encouraging us to live righteous lives and strive for the ultimate reward. It confirms that Allah appreciates our efforts and will reward our souls with the most beautiful promise we could ever imagine.